
Official source-code for GuildedAPI.js package!

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Guilded-API.js - Guide

Welcome! Here, if your a begineer, you can know how to get started with making a Guilded Bot.

Auth Token

First off, we need our auth token!

#1 You can start by going to Guilded, make sure you are logged on!

#2 Now, select one of your servers you own from your sidebar (or bottom-bar if you set it like that), go to: Settings > Bots.

#3 Create a bot if you haven’t already, or you can manage one you’ve made.

#4 Click on the 3 dots in the right side of your screen, and click Manage auth tokens!

#5 Generate a new token, and copy it, we’ll need it!


#1 Get your favourite IDE, create a folder/workspace for your bot.

#2 Open a terminal, and run the command npm init -y (if you already know what you need to do, you can skip to step 4)

#3 After it’s done, now run npm install guilded-api.js, wait for it to install…

#4 Now that we have our workspace ready, create a new file named index.js in your main directory!

Time for coding!

Let’s get into the fun stuff, Coding our bot!

Here’s some sample code, we commented things that might help you understand what’s going on. (using //)

const Guilded = require('guilded-api.js');
const bot = new Guilded.GuildedClient("Place your token in here.");

// Listen for the Ready Event.
bot.on('ready', () => {
    // Alert us in the terminal/console that the bot has successfully started up!
    console.log(`Successfully connected to Guilded!`);

// Let's make ourselves an event for listening to messages!
bot.on('serverMessageCreate', (message) => {
    // See if the message is "!ping"
    if (message.content === '!ping') {
        // Respond with "Pong!" if it is.'Pong!');


You are now ready to use our package, come see other things in the main page!